typeperf.exe - Windows Performance Counter Monitoring

Category: System-EXE-Files | Date: 2025-02-25

typeperf.exe - Windows Performance Counter Monitoring


typeperf.exe is a command-line tool built into Microsoft Windows operating systems. It's a powerful utility for monitoring performance counters, providing real-time or logged data about the system's hardware and software performance. It's not a virus, nor is it inherently susceptible to becoming one. It's a legitimate system tool. However, like any tool, if a system is already compromised, an attacker could potentially use typeperf.exe (or its output) as part of a larger attack chain, but typeperf.exe itself would not be the vector of infection.

Origin and Purpose

typeperf.exe is a native component of Windows, typically located in the %SystemRoot%\System32 directory. It has been included in various Windows versions for many years, serving as a command-line interface to the Performance Monitor (PerfMon) functionality. Its primary purpose is to:

  • Monitor Performance Counters: Read data from local or remote Windows systems. These counters track metrics like CPU usage, memory consumption, disk I/O, network activity, and much more.
  • Real-time Monitoring: Display performance data directly in the command prompt, updating at a specified interval.
  • Logged Data Collection: Write performance data to various file formats (e.g., CSV, TSV, BLG – binary log format) for later analysis.
  • Remote Monitoring: Monitor performance counters on other Windows machines on the network (with appropriate permissions).

Is it a Virus?

No, typeperf.exe is a legitimate Windows system file. It is not a virus, nor is it typically a target for malware to directly corrupt. However, there are a few caveats:

  • Masquerading: Malware could potentially be named typeperf.exe and placed in a different directory to try to disguise itself. The genuine typeperf.exe should always reside in %SystemRoot%\System32. If you find a file named typeperf.exe in an unusual location, it's highly suspect and should be scanned with reputable antivirus software.
  • Indirect Exploitation: As mentioned before, a compromised system could have typeperf.exe used maliciously, but the tool itself isn't the vulnerability. For example, an attacker might use typeperf.exe to collect performance data to profile the system and identify potential weaknesses. Or, the output of typeperf.exe could be redirected to a file that is later used in an attack.

Usage and Examples

typeperf.exe is a command-line tool, meaning it's used within the Command Prompt (cmd.exe) or PowerShell. Here's a breakdown of its usage and common examples:

Basic Syntax

typeperf {counter_path [counter_path ...]} [options]
  • counter_path: This specifies the performance counter(s) you want to monitor. A counter path has the following general format:


    • \\ComputerName: (Optional) The name of the computer to monitor. If omitted, it defaults to the local machine.
    • ObjectName: The performance object (e.g., Processor, Memory, LogicalDisk, Network Interface).
    • (InstanceName): (Optional) The specific instance of the object (e.g., for multiple processors or disk drives). _Total is often used for aggregate values.
    • CounterName: The specific counter within the object (e.g., % Processor Time, % Idle Time, Pages/sec, Bytes Total/sec).
  • [options]: Various options to control the output, interval, and logging.

Common Options

  • -sc <samples>: Specifies the number of samples to collect. If omitted, typeperf runs until manually stopped (Ctrl+C).
  • -si <interval>: Specifies the sampling interval in seconds. The default is 1 second.
  • -o <filename>: Specifies the output file. Supports .csv, .tsv, and .blg formats. The default is to output to the console.
  • -f <fileformat>: Specifies the output file format (csv, tsv, blg). Default is csv if -o is used without -f.
  • -cf <filename>: Specifies a file containing a list of counter paths, one per line. This is useful for monitoring many counters.
  • -q [object]: Lists available counters. If object is specified, it lists counters for that object only.
  • -qx [object]: Lists available counters with instance information.
  • -y: Answers yes to all questions without prompting. Useful for scripting.


  1. Monitor CPU usage (single sample):

    typeperf "\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time"

  2. Monitor CPU and Memory usage (10 samples, 2-second interval):

    typeperf "\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time" "\Memory\Available MBytes" -sc 10 -si 2

  3. Log CPU usage to a CSV file:

    typeperf "\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time" -o cpu_usage.csv

  4. Log multiple counters to a BLG file (for PerfMon analysis):

    typeperf "\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time" "\Memory\Available MBytes" "\LogicalDisk(_Total)\% Disk Time" -o performance_log.blg -f blg

  5. List available counters related to the Processor object:

    typeperf -q Processor Or with instances: typeperf -qx Processor

  6. Monitor counters from a file (counters.txt):

    Create a file named counters.txt with the following content (one counter path per line):

    \Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time \Memory\Available MBytes \LogicalDisk(_Total)\% Disk Time

    Then run:

    typeperf -cf counters.txt -o performance.csv -sc 30

  7. Monitor a remote machine (requires permissions):

    typeperf "\\RemoteComputerName\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time" Replace RemoteComputerName with the actual name or IP address of the remote machine. You'll need appropriate administrative credentials on the remote machine.

  8. Continous output to file, using a pipe and ">>":

    typeperf "\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time" >> cpu_usage.txt Important: This example demonstrates continuous output. The >> operator appends to the file. If you run this multiple times, it will keep adding data to the file. This is different from -o, which overwrites the file each time. Use with caution.

Security Considerations

While typeperf.exe itself isn't a security threat, keep these points in mind:

  • Permissions: Running typeperf with administrative privileges allows access to a wider range of performance counters. Running it as a standard user limits access to a smaller set of counters.
  • Remote Monitoring: Remote monitoring requires proper network configuration and authentication. Ensure that the necessary firewall rules are in place and that the user account running typeperf has the necessary permissions on the remote machine.
  • Data Sensitivity: The performance data collected by typeperf could potentially reveal sensitive information about the system's configuration and activity. Protect the output files accordingly, especially if they contain data from production systems.
  • Denial of Service (DoS): While unlikely, a malicious actor could potentially try to overload a system by running typeperf with a very high sampling rate and a large number of counters, especially on a remote machine. This is more of a theoretical concern, but it's worth considering.


  • "Error: Unable to connect to the specified computer...": This usually indicates a problem with network connectivity, firewall settings, or permissions. Ensure that the remote machine is accessible and that you have the necessary credentials. Verify that the "Performance Logs & Alerts" service is running on the remote machine.
  • "Error: Invalid counter path...": Double-check the counter path syntax. Use typeperf -q or typeperf -qx to list available counters and verify the correct object, instance, and counter names.
  • "Error: Access is denied...": You likely don't have sufficient permissions to access the requested performance counters. Try running typeperf as an administrator.
  • Empty output file: If using the -o switch and not seeing any data in the file, be sure that the counters requested are returning data. Test with a simple counter like "\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time" first. Make sure the sampling count (-sc) is high enough, and that the interval (-si) is appropriate.


typeperf.exe is a valuable tool for system administrators and developers for monitoring and troubleshooting performance issues on Windows systems. It provides a flexible and powerful way to collect real-time or logged performance data. By understanding its syntax, options, and security implications, you can effectively utilize typeperf.exe to gain insights into your system's behavior and optimize its performance. Remember that it is a safe and legitimate tool, but, like any system utility, it should be used responsibly and with awareness of its potential impact.