SnippingTool.exe - Your Guide to Windows Screenshots

Category: System-EXE-Files | Date: 2025-02-22

SnippingTool.exe: Your Guide to Windows Screenshots

SnippingTool.exe is the executable file for the Snipping Tool, a built-in screen capture utility included in various versions of Microsoft Windows. It allows users to take screenshots (called "snips") of an open window, a rectangular area, a free-form area, or the entire screen. This article provides a comprehensive overview of SnippingTool.exe, covering its history, functionality, safety, and usage.

History and Evolution

The Snipping Tool was first introduced as a PowerToy for Windows XP Tablet PC Edition in 2002. It gained wider adoption with its inclusion as a standard component in Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10. In Windows 10, it coexisted with and was eventually intended to be replaced by a more modern UWP application called "Snip & Sketch" (accessible via explorer.exe shell:AppsFolder\Microsoft.ScreenSketch_8wekyb3d8bbwe!App, though the underlying executable is different). However, due to user feedback, the classic Snipping Tool remained available. Windows 11 saw a redesigned Snipping Tool that merged the functionality of the classic Snipping Tool and Snip & Sketch, retaining the SnippingTool.exe name.

Functionality and Features

SnippingTool.exe provides the following core functionalities:

  • Capture Modes:

    • Free-form Snip: Draw a freehand shape around the area you want to capture.
    • Rectangular Snip: Drag a rectangular cursor to define the capture area.
    • Window Snip: Select a specific open window to capture.
    • Full-screen Snip: Capture the entire screen.
  • Delay: Set a delay (in seconds) before taking the snip. This is useful for capturing menus or tooltips that disappear quickly.

  • Basic Editing: After capturing a snip, the Snipping Tool provides basic editing tools:

    • Pen: Draw on the snip with different colors and thicknesses.
    • Highlighter: Highlight areas of the snip.
    • Eraser: Remove pen and highlighter marks.
  • Saving and Sharing:

    • Save: Save the snip as an image file (PNG, GIF, JPG).
    • Copy: Copy the snip to the clipboard for pasting into other applications.
    • Email: (In older versions) Send the snip directly via email. Modern versions typically rely on the system's share functionality.


The SnippingTool.exe file is typically located in the following directory: