sn.exe - Strong Name Tool

Category: System-EXE-Files | Date: 2025-02-25

sn.exe - Strong Name Tool


sn.exe (Strong Name Tool) is a command-line utility provided by Microsoft as part of the .NET Framework SDK and Visual Studio. It's a crucial tool for developers working with .NET assemblies, primarily used for creating and managing strong names. Strong names provide a unique identity for assemblies, preventing tampering and ensuring that the correct version of an assembly is loaded. It's a core component for assembly versioning and deployment in the .NET ecosystem.

Origin and Purpose

sn.exe is developed by Microsoft and is included in the .NET Framework SDK and Visual Studio installations. Its primary purposes are:

  1. Strong Name Generation: Creating strong names for .NET assemblies. A strong name consists of the assembly's simple text name, version number, culture information (if applicable), and a public/private key pair.

  2. Key Pair Management: Generating new public/private key pair files (.snk files) used for signing assemblies.

  3. Verification: Verifying the strong name signature of an assembly to ensure it hasn't been tampered with.

  4. Resigning: Resigning an assembly with a different key pair.

  5. Delayed Signing: Supporting delayed signing, where an assembly is partially signed during development and fully signed later during deployment.

  6. Token Extraction: Extracting the public key token from a public key or a key pair.

Is it a Virus?

No, sn.exe itself is not a virus. It's a legitimate tool developed by Microsoft. However, like any executable, it's theoretically possible (though highly unlikely) for a malicious actor to disguise a virus as sn.exe. The real sn.exe will typically be located in a subdirectory of the .NET Framework or Visual Studio installation directories, such as:

  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v[version]\bin\NETFX [version] Tools\
  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v[version]\bin\
  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\[version]\[edition]\SDK\ScopeCppSDK\SDK\bin\

If you find sn.exe in an unexpected location, it's worth investigating further. Check its digital signature to verify that it's genuinely from Microsoft.

Could it Become a Virus?

sn.exe itself cannot "become" a virus. It's a tool, not a self-modifying program. However, a malicious program could replace the legitimate sn.exe with a malicious version. This is why verifying the digital signature and file location is crucial.

Usage (Tool Functionality)

Here's a breakdown of the most common sn.exe commands and how to use them:

  • Generating a Key Pair (-k):

    bash sn -k MyKeyPair.snk This command creates a new public/private key pair file named MyKeyPair.snk. This file is essential for strong-naming assemblies. Keep this file secure, as anyone with access to it can sign assemblies as if they were you.

  • Strong-Naming an Assembly (using Visual Studio):

    While you can use sn.exe directly to sign assemblies from the command line (using the /delaysign and /R or /Ra options), the most common way to strong-name an assembly is through Visual Studio:

    1. In Solution Explorer, right-click your project and select "Properties."
    2. Go to the "Signing" tab.
    3. Check the "Sign the assembly" checkbox.
    4. Choose an existing .snk file or create a new one.
    5. (Optional) Enable "Delay sign only" if you are using delayed signing.
  • Verifying an Assembly's Strong Name (-v and -vf):

    bash sn -v MyAssembly.dll

    This command verifies the strong name of MyAssembly.dll. It will report whether the assembly has a valid strong name signature.

    bash sn -vf MyAssembly.dll The -vf option forces verification even if it's disabled in the registry (useful for testing).

  • Verifying an Assembly's Strong Name with registration entries (-Vr):

    bash sn -Vr MyAssembly.dll,MyStrongName Registers MyAssembly.dll for verification skipping with strong name MyStrongName.

  • Unregistering verification entries (-Vu): bash sn -Vu MyAssembly.dll Unregisters MyAssembly.dll for verification skipping.

  • Unregistering all verification entries (-Vx): bash sn -Vx Unregisters all verification skipping entries.

  • Extracting the Public Key (-p):

    bash sn -p MyKeyPair.snk MyPublicKey.snk

    This command extracts the public key from MyKeyPair.snk and saves it to a new file named MyPublicKey.snk. This is useful for delayed signing, where the public key is used during development and the private key is applied later.

  • Extracting the Public Key Token (-t and -tp):

    bash sn -t MyPublicKey.snk

    This command displays the public key token from MyPublicKey.snk. The public key token is a shorter, hashed version of the full public key.

    bash sn -tp MyPublicKey.snk This displays the public key token and the full public key.

  • Re-signing an assembly (-R and -Ra):

    bash sn -R MyAssembly.dll MyKeyPair.snk Re-signs a previously signed or delay-signed assembly using the key pair in MyKeyPair.snk.

    bash sn -Ra MyAssembly.dll MyKeyPair.snk MyTargetAssembly.dll Re-signs MyAssembly.dll and stores the resigned output in MyTargetAssembly.dll

  • Delayed Signing (-delaysign+ and -delaysign- in Visual Studio):

    Delayed signing allows you to sign an assembly with only the public key during development. This is useful in environments where access to the private key is restricted. To enable delayed signing in Visual Studio:

    1. In the "Signing" tab of your project properties, check "Sign the assembly."
    2. Check "Delay sign only."
    3. Use a key file containing only the public key.

    Later, when you're ready to fully sign the assembly (e.g., for release), you'll use sn.exe -R or -Ra with the complete key pair file.

  • Display help (-? or -help):

bash sn -? or bash sn -help Displays all available options and their brief description.

Important Considerations

  • Security: Treat your .snk files (especially those containing the private key) with the utmost care. Store them securely and limit access to authorized personnel. Compromise of your private key allows attackers to forge your digital signature.
  • Versioning: Strong names are integral to .NET assembly versioning. Changes to an assembly's code must be accompanied by a change in its version number to maintain strong name integrity.
  • Global Assembly Cache (GAC): Assemblies installed in the GAC must be strong-named.
  • Strong Naming vs. Authenticode: Strong naming provides an identity and protects against accidental tampering. Authenticode signing (using signtool.exe), on the other hand, provides a higher level of trust by verifying the publisher's identity through a certificate authority. While strong naming does prevent unintentional tampering, it doesn't inherently prove the origin of the assembly. An attacker could create their own key pair and strong-name a malicious assembly.


sn.exe is a fundamental utility for .NET developers. Understanding its purpose and usage is essential for managing assembly identities, ensuring versioning integrity, and deploying secure .NET applications. While not a security tool in the same vein as Authenticode signing, it forms a crucial part of the .NET security and deployment infrastructure. Always handle your key files securely.