NMAKE.EXE - Windows Program Maintenance Utility

Category: System-EXE-Files | Date: 2025-02-25

NMAKE.EXE - Windows Program Maintenance Utility


nmake.exe is Microsoft's Program Maintenance Utility, a command-line tool that builds projects based on instructions contained in a description file, commonly called a makefile (or makefile.mak, although other extensions are possible). It's essentially Microsoft's version of the Unix make utility, and is crucial for managing complex software builds, especially for C/C++ projects. nmake.exe is typically included with Visual Studio and the Windows SDK. It is not a system-critical file and is not installed by default with a standard Windows installation.

Origin and Purpose

nmake.exe is developed by Microsoft. Its primary purpose is to automate the build process of software projects. It reads a makefile, which defines dependencies between files (e.g., source code files, object files, libraries, and executables) and specifies commands to execute when a target file needs to be updated. The core concept is to avoid unnecessary recompilation: nmake checks the timestamps of files and only executes the build commands if a dependent file is newer than the target file.

This dependency checking and conditional execution makes nmake incredibly efficient for large projects. Instead of recompiling everything every time, nmake only recompiles the parts that have changed, saving significant time and resources.

Is it a Virus?

nmake.exe itself, when obtained from a legitimate Microsoft source (like a Visual Studio installation or the Windows SDK), is not a virus. It is a legitimate and safe tool.

Could it Become a Virus or Be Used Maliciously?

While nmake.exe itself is not a virus, it can be used in malicious ways:

  1. Trojan Horse: A malicious program could be renamed to nmake.exe to disguise itself. This is why verifying the file's digital signature and location is essential. A legitimate nmake.exe is typically found within a Visual Studio or Windows SDK directory, not in system directories like C:\Windows or C:\Windows\System32.
  2. Exploiting Makefiles: A malicious actor could create a makefile with harmful commands. If you download a project from an untrusted source and run nmake, the makefile could contain commands to download malware, delete files, or otherwise damage your system. Always review makefiles from untrusted sources before executing them.
  3. Part of a Larger Attack: nmake.exe could be used as one component in a larger, multi-stage attack. For example, a downloaded script might use nmake to build a malicious executable from downloaded source code.

Therefore, while nmake.exe is safe by itself, the context in which it is used is crucial. Always exercise caution when running nmake with makefiles from unknown or untrusted origins.

How to Use NMAKE.EXE (Tool Usage)

nmake.exe is a command-line tool, so you use it from the Command Prompt (cmd.exe) or PowerShell. Here's a breakdown of its usage:

Basic Syntax:

nmake [options] [macro_definitions] [targets] [/f makefile]
  • options: Various command-line options that control nmake's behavior (see below).
  • macro_definitions: Define or override macros within the makefile (e.g., nmake CC=cl.exe).
  • targets: Specify the targets you want to build. If omitted, nmake builds the first target defined in the makefile.
  • /f makefile: Specifies the name of the makefile. If omitted, nmake looks for a file named makefile in the current directory. You can use /F (uppercase) as well.

Common Options:

  • /A: Builds all targets, regardless of timestamps (forces a full rebuild).
  • /C: Suppresses non-fatal error messages.
  • /D: Displays modification dates of files. Useful for debugging.
  • /E: Environment variables override macro definitions in the makefile.
  • /HELP or /?: Displays help information.
  • /I: Ignores exit codes from commands. nmake normally stops if a command returns a non-zero exit code (indicating an error).
  • /K: Continues building unrelated targets even if an error occurs in one target.
  • /N: Displays the commands that would be executed, but does not execute them (dry run). Excellent for previewing what nmake will do.
  • /NOLOGO: Suppresses the copyright message.
  • /P: Prints all macro definitions and target descriptions.
  • /Q: Checks if the target is up-to-date (returns 0 if up-to-date, 1 if not).
  • /S: Suppresses the display of executed commands.
  • /T: Changes the modification date of targets, without actually rebuilding. Use with extreme caution!

Makefile Structure (Simplified):

A makefile consists of rules, macros, and comments.

  • Rules: Define how to build a target from its dependencies. makefile target: dependency1 dependency2 ... command1 command2 ...
    • target: The file to be created (e.g., an .exe or .obj file).
    • dependency1 dependency2 ...: Files that the target depends on. If any of these are newer than the target, the commands are executed.
    • command1, command2, ...: The commands to execute to build the target. These must be indented with a tab character, not spaces.
  • Macros: Variables that store values. Defined like this: MACRO_NAME = value. Accessed using $(MACRO_NAME). ```makefile CC = cl.exe CFLAGS = /W3 /O2

    myprogram.exe: myprogram.obj $(CC) $(CFLAGS) myprogram.obj -o myprogram.exe

    myprogram.obj: myprogram.c $(CC) $(CFLAGS) /c myprogram.c `` * **Comments:** Lines starting with#` are comments.


  1. Create a file myprogram.c:



    int main() { printf("Hello from NMAKE!\n"); return 0; } ```

  2. Create a file makefile (or makefile.mak):


    Makefile for myprogram

    CC = cl.exe # Compiler CFLAGS = /nologo /W3 # Compiler flags

    myprogram.exe: myprogram.obj $(CC) $(CFLAGS) myprogram.obj /Fe:myprogram.exe

    myprogram.obj: myprogram.c $(CC) $(CFLAGS) /c myprogram.c ```

  3. Open a Developer Command Prompt (this sets up the necessary environment variables for Visual Studio tools). This prompt is usually found in the start menu under Visual Studio.

  4. Navigate to the directory containing myprogram.c and makefile.

  5. Run nmake:


    This will:

    • Compile myprogram.c into myprogram.obj (because myprogram.obj doesn't exist or is older than myprogram.c).
    • Link myprogram.obj to create myprogram.exe (because myprogram.exe doesn't exist or is older than myprogram.obj).
  6. Run nmake again:


    This time, it will likely say something like "myprogram.exe' is up-to-date" because no changes have been made since the last build.

  7. Modify myprogram.c (e.g., add a comment).

  8. Run nmake again:

    Now, it will recompile and relink because myprogram.c is newer than myprogram.obj and myprogram.exe.

  9. Clean up (optional): Add a "clean" target to remove intermediate files:


    ... (previous makefile content) ...

    clean: del myprogram.obj del myprogram.exe `` Then, you can runnmake clean` to delete the object and executable files.

Inference Rules: nmake has built-in inference rules that understand common file extensions and how to build them. For example, it knows how to compile a .c file into a .obj file using cl.exe even if you don't explicitly specify the command. You can see these rules by running nmake /P.

Recursive nmake calls: Large projects often have multiple makefiles in different directories. A top-level makefile can call nmake recursively in subdirectories to build components.

Verifying Authenticity

To ensure you have a legitimate nmake.exe, check the following:

  1. Location: It should be in a directory related to Visual Studio or the Windows SDK (e.g., C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\...\VC\Tools\MSVC\...\bin\Hostx64\x64). Do not trust nmake.exe files found in unexpected locations.
  2. Digital Signature: Right-click nmake.exe, select "Properties," and go to the "Digital Signatures" tab. It should be signed by Microsoft. If there's no digital signature or the signature is invalid, the file is suspect.
  3. File Size and Version: Compare the file size and version number with information from a known good source (another machine with a confirmed legitimate installation). Significant discrepancies could indicate a tampered file.


nmake.exe is a powerful and essential tool for developers using the Microsoft toolchain. It provides a robust and efficient way to manage the build process of complex software projects. However, like any powerful tool, it can be misused. Always verify the source of makefiles and understand the commands they contain before executing them with nmake. By understanding its purpose, usage, and potential security implications, you can use nmake.exe safely and effectively.