djoin.exe - An In-Depth Look at the Offline Domain Join Tool

Category: System-EXE-Files | Date: 2025-02-25

djoin.exe: An In-Depth Look at the Offline Domain Join Tool

djoin.exe is a command-line utility in Windows operating systems, specifically designed for performing offline domain joins. This means joining a computer to an Active Directory domain without requiring a live network connection to a domain controller during the join process itself. It's a powerful tool for system administrators, particularly in scenarios involving large-scale deployments, virtual machine provisioning, or joining computers in remote locations with limited or intermittent connectivity.

Purpose and Functionality

The core function of djoin.exe is to facilitate the offline domain join process. This process involves two primary steps:

  1. Provisioning: On a computer that does have connectivity to the domain controller (typically a domain controller itself or a management workstation), djoin.exe is used to create a computer account in Active Directory and generate a metadata blob (a specially formatted file). This blob contains all the necessary information for the target computer to join the domain. Crucially, this step does require direct communication with a domain controller.

  2. Requesting and Applying (Join): The metadata blob is then transferred (via USB drive, network share, etc.) to the target computer (the one being joined to the domain). djoin.exe is then executed on the target computer, consuming the metadata blob and performing the actual domain join operation. This second step happens offline – it doesn't need live communication with the domain controller.

Key Advantages of Offline Domain Join

  • Reduced Deployment Time: Especially beneficial in large deployments. Multiple machines can be joined simultaneously without saturating the network connection to the domain controller.
  • Remote/Disconnected Scenarios: Allows joining computers in locations with unreliable or no network connectivity to the domain.
  • Virtual Machine Provisioning: Streamlines the process of joining newly provisioned virtual machines to the domain. The metadata blob can be incorporated into the VM template or deployment process.
  • Pre-staging: Computer accounts can be created and prepared in advance, streamlining the join process when the computer is physically ready.
  • Security (in specific contexts): Although it might seem counterintuitive, offline domain joins can, in very specific scenarios, enhance security. By pre-creating the computer account, an administrator can more closely control which computers are joining the domain, reducing the risk of unauthorized machines connecting. However, proper handling of the metadata blob is paramount (more on this below).

How to Use djoin.exe (Detailed Guide)

The djoin.exe utility has two main modes of operation: provisioning and requesting/applying.

1. Provisioning (on a connected machine)

This is performed on a computer with a network connection to the domain controller.


djoin /provision /domain <domain_name> /machine <target_computer_name> /savefile <file_path> [/machineou <OU_path>] [/dcname <domain_controller_name>] [/reuse] [/policynames <policy_names>] [/policypaths <policy_paths>] [/certtemplate <cert_template_name>]

Parameters Explained:

  • /provision: Specifies the provisioning operation.
  • /domain <domain_name>: The name of the Active Directory domain to join (e.g., This is required.
  • /machine <target_computer_name>: The name of the computer that will be joined to the domain. This is required.
  • /savefile <file_path>: The path and filename where the metadata blob will be saved (e.g., C:\OfflineJoin\metadata.txt). This is required. It's highly recommended to use a .txt extension.
  • /machineou <OU_path>: (Optional) The distinguished name of the organizational unit (OU) where the computer account should be created. If omitted, the computer will be placed in the default "Computers" container. Example: OU=Workstations,DC=example,DC=com.
  • /dcname <domain_controller_name>: (Optional) Specifies a particular domain controller to use for the provisioning operation. If omitted, the system will automatically select a domain controller.
  • /reuse: (Optional) Allows overwriting an existing computer account with the same name. Use with caution! Without this, djoin will fail if the computer account already exists.
  • /policynames <policy_names> and /policypaths <policy_paths>: (Optional, and rarely used) Allows specifying Group Policy Objects (GPOs) by name or path to be applied to the computer during the offline join. These are advanced options and require careful consideration. Generally, it's best to let Group Policy apply normally after the computer is joined and has connectivity.
  • /certtemplate <cert_template_name>: (Optional, and less common) Specifies a certificate template to be used to request a computer certificate during the offline join process. This is used in more advanced scenarios, such as joining a computer that requires certificate-based authentication.


djoin /provision /domain mydomain.local /machine NewPC01 /savefile C:\OfflineJoin\NewPC01.txt /machineou OU=Sales,DC=mydomain,DC=local /reuse

This command does the following:

  1. Provisions an offline domain join for a computer named NewPC01.
  2. Specifies the domain as mydomain.local.
  3. Saves the metadata blob to C:\OfflineJoin\NewPC01.txt.
  4. Places the computer account in the Sales OU.
  5. Allows reuse of an existing computer account (if one exists).

2. Requesting and Applying (Join - on the target machine, offline)

This is performed on the computer being joined to the domain, and it does not require a network connection to a domain controller.


djoin /requestodj /loadfile <file_path> /windowspath <windows_directory> /localos

Parameters Explained:

  • /requestodj: Specifies the request and apply (join) operation.
  • /loadfile <file_path>: The path and filename of the metadata blob created during the provisioning step (e.g., C:\OfflineJoin\metadata.txt). This is required.
  • /windowspath <windows_directory>: The path to the Windows directory on the target computer (e.g., C:\Windows). This is required.
  • /localos: Indicates that the offline join is being performed on the currently running operating system. This is required when joining the local OS.


djoin /requestodj /loadfile C:\Temp\NewPC01.txt /windowspath C:\Windows /localos

This command does the following:

  1. Initiates the offline domain join process.
  2. Loads the metadata blob from C:\Temp\NewPC01.txt.
  3. Uses the Windows installation located in C:\Windows.
  4. Joins the currently running operating system to the domain.

Important Considerations:

  • Administrator Privileges: Both the provisioning and requesting/applying steps require local administrator privileges on the respective machines.
  • File Transfer: The metadata blob must be transferred securely to the target computer. Any compromise of this file could allow an attacker to join a computer to the domain.
  • One-Time Use: The metadata blob is designed for a single use. Once a computer has successfully joined the domain using a particular blob, that blob cannot be used again. Attempting to reuse a blob will result in an error.
  • Time Synchronization: While a live network connection isn't required during the join, time synchronization between the provisioning computer and the target computer is important. Significant time differences can cause the join process to fail. Ensure both computers have reasonably accurate time settings.
  • Reboot: A reboot is required after running djoin /requestodj to complete the domain join process.

Security Aspects

  • Metadata Blob Security: The most critical security aspect of offline domain join is the secure handling of the metadata blob. This file contains sensitive information that, if compromised, could allow an unauthorized computer to join the domain. Protect this file as you would any other highly sensitive credential:
    • Secure Transfer: Use a secure method to transfer the blob (encrypted USB drive, secure file share with strong access controls, etc.).
    • Limited Access: Restrict access to the blob to only authorized personnel.
    • Deletion After Use: Delete the blob from both the provisioning machine and the target machine immediately after the join is complete.
  • Computer Account Pre-staging (Pros and Cons): Pre-staging computer accounts allows for greater control over which machines join the domain. However, it also creates a potential management overhead if accounts are created but never used.
  • No Network Exposure During Join: Because the join itself is offline, there's no network communication with the domain controller during the sensitive join operation. This reduces the attack surface during that specific phase. However, remember that provisioning does require network connectivity.
  • Auditing Always enable appropriate auditing to log successful and failed domain joins.

Is djoin.exe a Virus?

No, djoin.exe is a legitimate and essential part of the Windows operating system. It is not a virus or malware.

Can djoin.exe Be Used Maliciously?

Yes, like many powerful administrative tools, djoin.exe can be misused. The primary vector for malicious use is through unauthorized access to the metadata blob. If an attacker gains access to a valid metadata blob, they could join a rogue computer to the domain, potentially gaining access to network resources. This highlights the critical importance of securing the blob. Another, albeit less likely, scenario is if a malicious actor gains administrative access to a computer already joined to the domain, they could theoretically use djoin /provision to create metadata blobs for other rogue machines. However, this requires pre-existing elevated access, making it a less direct attack vector.


  • Error: "The parameter is incorrect.": This can be caused by incorrect syntax, typos in the command, or missing required parameters. Double-check the command and parameters carefully.
  • Error: "The specified domain either does not exist or could not be contacted.": This occurs during provisioning and indicates a problem with network connectivity to the domain controller or an incorrect domain name. Verify network connectivity and the domain name.
  • Error: "An attempt was made to a logon session, but the logon session was already logged on.": Indicates that the machine may already be joined to a domain.
  • Error: "The specified file could not be found.": This indicates that the /loadfile path is incorrect or the file doesn't exist. Verify the path and filename.
  • Error: "Access is denied.": This indicates that you don't have the necessary administrative privileges to run djoin.exe. Run the command prompt as an administrator.
  • Error related to time synchronization: Ensure the provisioning and target computers have reasonably synchronized times.
  • Error 0x8007054B: This indicates either that the domain or domain controller could not be contacted. It often indicates network issues or a problem with the target OU.


djoin.exe is a powerful tool for offline domain joins, offering significant advantages in various deployment scenarios. Understanding its proper usage, security implications, and troubleshooting techniques is crucial for any system administrator working with Windows domains. By following the guidelines and best practices outlined in this article, you can leverage djoin.exe to streamline your domain join processes effectively and securely.