auditpol.exe - Windows Auditing Policy Command-Line Tool

Category: System-EXE-Files | Date: 2025-02-25

auditpol.exe: Windows Auditing Policy Command-Line Tool

auditpol.exe is a command-line utility in Windows operating systems that allows administrators to manage audit policies at a granular level. It provides more fine-grained control than the Local Security Policy (secpol.msc) graphical interface, enabling precise configuration of what security events are logged.

Origin and Purpose

auditpol.exe is a native Windows system file, first introduced with Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008. Its purpose is to:

  • Configure Auditing Policies: Set and modify audit policies that determine which security-related events are recorded in the Windows Security Log. This includes successful and failed attempts for actions like:
    • Logon/Logoff
    • Object Access (files, folders, registry keys, etc.)
    • Privilege Use
    • System Events
    • Policy Changes
    • Account Management
    • Detailed Tracking (process creation, etc.)
  • Display Current Audit Settings: View the currently configured audit policies.
  • Backup and Restore Audit Policies: Export and import audit policy settings.
  • Report Generation: Create reports based on the current audit settings.
  • Remove all auditing policy Clear audit policy.

Is it a Virus? Is it Vulnerable?

auditpol.exe itself is not a virus. It's a legitimate system tool digitally signed by Microsoft. However, like any powerful tool, it can be misused by malicious actors. Here's how:

  • Disabling Auditing: An attacker who gains administrative privileges could use auditpol.exe to disable auditing, covering their tracks and making it more difficult to detect their activities.
  • Modifying Audit Policies: Attackers might modify the audit policies to exclude specific events they want to hide, hindering forensic investigations.
  • Indirect Exploitation (Rare): While extremely unlikely, it's theoretically possible (though practically improbable) that a vulnerability in auditpol.exe could be discovered and exploited. However, no such widely known vulnerabilities currently exist, and Microsoft regularly releases security updates to patch any potential issues.

Crucially, the presence of auditpol.exe on your system is normal and expected. Its misuse, rather than its existence, is the potential security concern.


auditpol.exe is a command-line tool, meaning it's used within the Command Prompt (cmd.exe) or PowerShell, preferably running as an administrator.

Basic Syntax

The general syntax is:

auditpol [options] <sub-command> [arguments]

Common Sub-Commands and Examples

Here are some of the most frequently used sub-commands:

  • /get: Displays the current audit policy.

    auditpol /get /category:* // Displays all audit policy categories and subcategories. auditpol /get /category:"System" // Displays audit policy for the "System" category. auditpol /get /subcategory:"Logon" // Displays audit policy for the "Logon" subcategory. auditpol /get /user:{username | SID} /category:* // Get auditing policy for a specific user.

  • /set: Modifies the audit policy.

    auditpol /set /subcategory:"Logon" /success:enable /failure:enable // Enables auditing for successful and failed logon attempts. auditpol /set /category:"Object Access" /success:disable /failure:disable // Disables auditing for object access. auditpol /set /user:{username | SID} /subcategory:"Logon" /success:enable /failure:enable // Set auditing policy for a specific user.

  • /backup: Backs up the audit policy to a file.

    auditpol /backup /file:C:\auditpolicy_backup.csv // Backs up the policy to a CSV file.

  • /restore: Restores the audit policy from a file.

    auditpol /restore /file:C:\auditpolicy_backup.csv // Restores the policy from a CSV file.

  • /clear: Clears the audit policy. This removes all auditing policy settings, effectively disabling per-user auditing.

    auditpol /clear /y // Clears the policy (the /y switch suppresses the confirmation prompt).

  • /list: Lists available categories and subcategories.

    auditpol /list /category // Lists all audit categories. auditpol /list /subcategory // Lists all audit subcategories.

  • /remove: Remove per-user audit policy.

    auditpol /remove /allusers // Removes per-user audit policy settings for all users. auditpol /remove /user:{username | SID} //Remove audit policy settings for specified user.

  • /resourceSACL: Manage auditing for global object access.

    auditpol /resourceSACL /type:File /success:enable /failure:enable /file:"C:\MyFolder" auditpol /resourceSACL /type:Key /success:enable /failure:enable /key:"HKLM\Software\MyKey"

Important Options

  • /category:<category name or GUID>: Specifies the audit category (e.g., "Logon/Logoff", "System", "Object Access"). Use auditpol /list /category to see all categories.
  • /subcategory:<subcategory name or GUID>: Specifies a more specific audit setting within a category (e.g., "Logon", "File System", "Registry"). Use auditpol /list /subcategory to see all subcategories.
  • /success:<enable | disable>: Enables or disables auditing of successful attempts.
  • /failure:<enable | disable>: Enables or disables auditing of failed attempts.
  • /user:{username | SID}: Specifies the user for per-user auditing settings. If omitted, the command applies to the system-wide policy.
  • /file:<file path>: Specifies the file path for backup and restore operations.
  • /y: Suppresses confirmation prompts (use with caution, especially with /clear).

Understanding Categories and Subcategories

Audit policies are organized into categories and subcategories, providing granular control. For example:

  • Category: Logon/Logoff
    • Subcategory: Logon
    • Subcategory: Logoff
    • Subcategory: Account Lockout
  • Category: Object Access
    • Subcategory: File System
    • Subcategory: Registry
    • Subcategory: Removable Storage

Using auditpol /list /category and auditpol /list /subcategory is essential to understand the available options.

Best Practices

  • Plan Carefully: Before making changes, carefully plan your auditing strategy. Auditing too much can overwhelm the Security Log and impact performance. Auditing too little might miss critical events.
  • Use Subcategories: Leverage subcategories for precise control over what is audited.
  • Test Changes: After modifying audit policies, test the changes to ensure they're working as expected.
  • Regularly Review Logs: Audit policies are useless if the Security Log isn't regularly reviewed. Use event log viewers or SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) tools for analysis.
  • Back Up Policies: Regularly back up your audit policies using /backup.
  • Use /y parameter cautiously: /clear with /y parameter should be used with extreme caution, as it removes all auditing settings without confirmation.


auditpol.exe is a powerful and essential tool for managing security auditing in Windows. Understanding its capabilities and potential misuse is crucial for system administrators and security professionals. While the tool itself is safe, its configuration dictates the level of security monitoring, making careful planning and implementation critical.